allows to assign targets for species used in conservation planning based on IUCN categories. Species can be extracted based on IUCN categories with the spatoalplnr
function splnr_get_IUCNRedList()
Accessing the IUCN database requires a login token from rl_use_iucn()
that needs to be added to the environment using Sys.setenv(IUCN_REDLIST_KEY = "[Your Token]")
. You can start by running rredlist::rl_use_iucn()
dat <- data.frame(IUCN_Category = c("EW", "EX", NA), target = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
IUCN_target <- c("EX" = 0.8, "EW" = 0.6)
dat <- splnr_targets_byIUCN(dat, IUCN_target)